Wednesday 25 June 2014

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Aaron Extension DLO Malawi

In my extension group we learned a lot about Malawi so it was time now to bring it together and make a movie. By making these movies our teacher can find our marks, she also called us up for what we need to put(include) in our movie. Hope you enjoy and Please leave a comment and suggestions for how I can get better.

Friday 20 June 2014


Superhero’s save lives and defeat ones of robbery and destruction. Superhero’s have abilities you can never imagine. Every Superhero has an Explanation of how this happened but none as “Starman”.  He has the power of invisibility and flying ability with oxygen power (when going into space he can breath). Also lifting ability( can lift people up).

His story started on a spaceship launched of to Jupiter investigating changes until there spaceship collided with a meteoroid, one of crew members(Starman) hit a star that gives that person massive powers sending him to earth with extreme force. Memory thoughts were lost until it was found that the spaceship he had been in had collided with a meteoroid, he soon figured out how he got his powers and what happened. Each and every superhero has a weakness of something, Starman’s weakness is darkness. Why, well when he got hit by that star that star was bright so that star also gave him a weakness.

Starman is good at robotics. He’s quite clumsy and needs to take anger management class. He’s very talkative when he is in combat. His team is called Starleague, each character has an ability that make’s the job easier. Number 4 Dynamiteor, takes care of block passageways and technology, he carry’s dynamite for taking care of blocked ways. Number 3 Thunderbolt, cover people up like for example Number 4 will need to take care of hacking a doorway but he’s taking fire so Thunderbolt cover’s him. Number 2 Doctor Star, he is a real doctor with star legs like Doctor Octopus, he can also throw stars at people and has the ability of high jumping levels. Number 1 CD bolt with the ability of sound effects that can pop your ear drum. I hope you enjoyed my explanation of STARMAN.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Aaron Death of Titanic

Have you ever wondered how Titanic sunk. Well no more worries for I Aaron have made an animation that will blow your minds of. Don't believe me why not watch and if it is perfection please remember to leave a comment and hope you enjoy. Oh and at the bottom is my rubric( the score I gave myself). Click on it to enlarge it.

Aaron Death of Titanic from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

Monday 16 June 2014

Report for Nature

Report for Nature

We are live here reporting about Nature( Animals, life, Plants, trees and much more). Let’s start with something simple for example Trees. Trees need water to grow to high levels. Fruits are made onboard trees, which are made from seeds. Seeds come from inside of fruits e.g in an apple, in the core there are seeds, you plant them using the right soil. Water them every day to keep the plants healthy.

Worms are good for your garden. Why? Well I am glad you asked. You see when they poo that is good for your garden. Research it to find out why. Cows we use to gather milk and meat. Milk is used for many things like cheese. Sheep is another important animal which is the same as the cows it does produce milk but what is added to it is it’s wool is made for clothes.

Let’s get to something way of land hmm how about the sea life. Fishing rods are used to catch fish which we eat. Fish are attracted to light like the darkness of the underwater there is a fish which has some kind of light bolt attached to it, schools of fish swam as if they were Usain Bolt. Thank you for Reading my report of Nature.

A.J.C Titanic Movie

In my Reading group we were told to make a movie about Titanic including information of how titanic sunk and how Titanic floated and much more. With the help of two friends I got this movie ready to be posted on my blog. Hope you enjoy and Please leave a comment.