Tuesday 25 November 2014

Away from Camp

Away from Camp

Tuesday, the day the year 6’s departed to camp Bentzon on Kawau Island. Unfortunately I didn’t go, when I arrived to my class. To my surprise Mrs Jacobsen stayed behind to look after the remaining kids including some year 5’s from our class.

She introduced us to a slide of what seemed to be called Flash Trash. Explaining that it meant to create whatever you want out of trash. Though everything does not have to be made out of recycled rubbish. I finished my project with my partner Zack, we made a Skytower, a Pom Pom and a wave witch Zack made. Also in our creation we had to have a story from what we made, we called it The Tsunami, Pom Pom of Auckland.

For the next 2 days after Morning Tea we had ICT/Music(ICT means to create an animation). In music we were learning some cords of the guitar. One of them is the A cord, which was used in a song we were learning called Tou Tala Tala. I successfully completed it.

When the clock stroke 12:30 we swapped going to ICT while the other group enter’s Music. Our animation relates to our topic Art Attack. A picture had to be chosen from one of the artists in the 1800s known as the Victorian Era. We then made a story out of that piece of art.

As friday ended I thought to myself “not going to camp wasn’t so bad after all”. We had free time after lunch for the whole hour. I guess I could still have a smile on my face.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Flash Trash

This week we were doing a technology task. We had to make something out of things like cardboard and paper. Here is a presentation including all the information.

Monday 17 November 2014

Kawau Island Wildlife

Kawau Island is In the north island of New Zealand. The year 6's of Point a England school are going on a trip there for 3 days. Before going we decided to learn about the wildlife on Kawau Island. Here is a presentation of two animals that live on Kawau Island. Our WALT is:Gather, evaluate and synthesise information from a text. Hope you enjoy and please leave a comment.

Thursday 13 November 2014


The Daily News has just published a special edition. The Robocup is coming up in New Zealand. This will be one amazing cup. Make sure to watch it. Please leave a comment.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Hokulea arrives in New Zealand!!!

Hokulea, a Hawaiian boat has just arrived in New Zealand Waitangi on the 11th November 2014 at 12:31. The Hokulea has travled through out the whole pacific. Go to this link to see Hokulea arriving at New Zealand.  The News you just saw was from the country Hawai.

Monday 10 November 2014


In Literacy we were learning about coding. Mr Goodwin gave us a link to a site where there stood an angry bird game. On one side were blocks name "Move Forward", "Turn Left" and " Turn Right". We had to guide our angry bird to the naughty pig. We were only allowed to use a certain amount of blocks. Here is a link to it. Hope you enjoy.

Kawau Island

The year 6's are going on a trip to Kawau Island YAY!!!! Unfortunately I can't go but no worry's. Before we go, our teacher told us to learn a little about the island. I made an Advice Presentation. Hope you enjoy and Please leave a comment.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Polynesian Voyage Society

KFC the Delicious chicken fried right from the kitchen. You some things about chicken when the Polynesian's set sail to South America in there Boat called the Hokule'a, they left a few chickens. To get the prove of this, scientist studied the bones of the chickens. By there surprise the bones were radiocarbon dated pre columbian.

My Exceptional Advice Blog

In Litreacy we read a book called robot challenge. After we read we were given the task to create a advice blog and make a problem related to the story and I will fix it. Please leave a comment.