Saturday, 12 July 2014


1st highest Mountain
Mount Everest:

Some mountains are low or high some might be the tallest of them all. 3 Everest is the tallest of them all, it is located in Mahalangur section of the Himalayas. Its peak is 29,029 ft above sea level, it is 8,848 meters high.

2nd highest Mountain
K2 Mount Godwin-Austin:

This Mountain is Called K2 or Mount Godwin-Austin. It is located on the border between Balistan and Pakistan. It is the highest peak in Pakistan. The height of it is 8,611 meters. The mountain was first climbed by an European team in 1856. Thomas Montgomerie was the member of the team.  

3rd highest Mountain

This Mountain is the third highest mountain in the world. It is 8,586 m high. This Mountain is located in Mimalayas. The first climber were George Band and Joe Brown. They first climbed it in May 25, 1955.

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