Wednesday 31 December 2014

Hello 2015!

You know how you get the feeling that you are gonna miss all the good times you had in 2014 and then the next day it's gone. Every year I get that feeling. We use to go at midnight on the 31st of December to see a display of fireworks lit up on one of the levels of the Sky tower. Even at that time more fireworks are lit up at people's houses. Though we're not going this year or last year or even the year before that because it is a really busy day on  New Year so my dad goes to work. So we watched it on the news instead but we did not know that we would not be able to soon. The next year later Sky, Frievew and more company's had to be owned to watch TV witch give's you more channels. I wish you all a Happy New Year. Please leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Aaron! I watched the fireworks on TV too. You must be getting excited about coming back to school as a Year 7 in just over a week.
    Mrs Garden


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