Monday 20 April 2015

An Assembly like no other School

I arrived at school at the start of a new term ready for learning, term 2. At the start of every term, a new topic emerges with an assembly in the morning, teachers either put on an act or make a movie relating to the topic to get the children excited. I wonder every holiday, what could be the next topic but hardly any of my guesses are correct. This terms topic was finally about Building, the school named it “Tinkering Tools & Toys”. As the whole school gathers into the hall, the prefects as well as a few teachers were making and handing out pikelets, what a treat!

Finally Mr Burt(Principal) announced the first act by saying “ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together for Team 1” applause was heard. Mr Burt handed the microphone to the leader of team 1, Mrs George. She explained of that Team 1 would be learning about to have a healthy lunch, a healthy smile and healthy playground. To relate to the topic I bet they would be making gadgets to pick up rubbish. Their movie was showing of healthy things while handing out them, again what a healthy treat!

My most favourite was Team 4’s Act. Their movie was relating to the topic by showing that in the rainy days, they would be making games as well as playing them. A picture of Team 4’s movie would be the movie making of using green screen and showing Mr S acting as a player in the game. Mr S was dressed up as a hero with a cape on fighting other teachers as monsters.

Our team’s act was better than any act. We related to the topic by having the phrase “How can we make it better”, this related to the topic by working out how can we make the old computers as well as the old schools better. All of team five yelled out on the signal of the team leader “How can we make it better Oo Oo”. The teachers were dressed in army uniforms with the Anzac Poppy. Another thing we would be learning is the technology used in WW1.

I bet this term will be one amazing one. Soon we will be building away with many things. I can’t wait to see what cool things we will see in the future.


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