Monday 11 November 2013

Athletics Day 2013

“Aaron,AARON wake up get changed, I looked at the clock it was 7 o'clock in the morning  of the 8 Friday November oh how I hate waking up early for school. Suddenly I remembered that my school was having Athletics day. A buzz of excitement came on me, my goal for this Athletics day was come top 2 in the sprint’s on the field. I arrived at school waiting for Athletics day to begin oh and I am in Mataatua.

It began and our first activity was high jump. In high jump there will be some kind of like sofa but rectangle also there will be a pole, that is what you have to go over. First try I made it but it was two legs you have to do one leg, second try I did not make it so I had to sit down. Our second Activity was sprints, I just had to come top 2. “ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, GO “said Mrs Burt our principal. I was of sprinting as fast as I could, my heart was beating but I came second to last. Second try, “ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, GO” said Mrs Burt. Again I was of this time I was coming third the race ended and I did not make it, I was so disappointed.

Our third activity was discus, in discus you will have a big circle flat hard plate that you have to throw but don’t worry it is not heavy. I came 3rd but then I got easily out. Dark clouds meant rain and so it did rain. At the end was the relays and man did they ran, again Mataatua WON as always.


The day ended and I was so disappointed because I did not even cam top 2 in anything. It was just like last year I did not came top 2 in not even a single thing but it did not matter because there is always another time.

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