Friday 20 December 2013

Kingdom of Good and Evil Animal

Once upon time there live two kingdoms. Kingdom of friendly animals. Also the Kingdom of mean,UN Polite animals, Kingdom of Evil Animals. In both kingdoms they had a king, Evil had King Killer Whale and for Good, King Lion. A cub lion named Jack was found by the king during war from the ambush town attack. He was at school talking to his friend about a secret ambush planed by the Evil army. When he heard it from his friend he rushed to the king. As he was running he accidentally bumped into bad  boys. Now he had to run on the double because those boys got furious "AFTER HIM" said one of the boys he climbed up the wall, the boys were amazed.But not after long there found a ladder up to the roof. Jack climbed up onto the roofs and soon found himself jumping roof to roof when suddenly giant eagle came and grabbed him by the shoulders with their huge fierce claws and suddenly he disappeared into thin air!!   

To Be Continued...


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