Tuesday 17 September 2013

Esther Continues 2..........

So Mordecai was crying so much then Esther told his servant to tell why was he crying. So the servant went and then Mordecai gave the servant a paper roll to the servant to take to Esther and what was written on it was about that Mordeacai was going to get killed. So Esther went to the king and said to him that they want a party and Haman has to come and so that knight Haman and the King came and again Esther wanted another party and Haman has to come and so there was going to be another party and the king told Haman and so he was going to come. He was walking passed Mordecai and the servant but Mordecai did not bowl only the Servant but that is all.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your 100th post Aaron. You have worked extremely hard to put work of high standard on your blog. Well done!


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