Tuesday 3 September 2013

My Weekend

On sunday it was fathers day, we gave him cool as presents. After that we went somewhere far away where farms were. It was amazing then we came to a place that had a beach that was cool but first we went to the park. I was reading some of the birds that live here and they were amazing. Plus I got to feed the sheep with some milk and pat them. After all of that we went to the beach but did not stop we just keep on going to a place that had another park that was familiar. I knew this place the place was quiet and we had all of it for us. My dad and mum started cooking chicken. While they were doing that we played soccer,ball tag , tag and frisbee. My Brother Mosa climbed up a big as tree and said “You can see mostly everything up here” I was amazed how my brother climbed it. Finally we got to eat that my mum and dad cooked, it was very delicious. The place was very cool that I wanted to stay but we had to go so we did and maybe next week I could come back again. I felt like I was having so much fun on this trip that I will maybe not forget it. The part that I liked about this trip was playing all those games at the park. The End

1 comment:

  1. What a great weekend Aaron. It sounds like you had lots of fun at the farm.


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