Thursday 26 September 2013


My group was told to make a movie about rollercoaster's. So me and Juliet made one and put lot's of information in it just for you so when you go in rollercoaster you would know what to do.
Aaron and Juliet Rollercoaster Ride from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Aaron. My name is Danya Croft and I am a student in the EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. My teacher shared with me a link to your blog and I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful job you and Juliet did on the video 'Rollercoasters.' I really love how the both of you explained the proper precautions needed to enjoy a rollercoaster properly. Personally, I love rollercoasters and I have since I was a child. Surprisingly though, many people don't know the things to look out for before riding one. I think that anyone watching your video will get a clear understanding on what they should do and should not do. Thank you for posting this video. I really enjoyed watching it. If you want to check out my video, you can visit at or you can email me at

    I was so interested to find out more about this theme park Rainbow's End that I looked it up as well. It looks like it is a whole lot of fun. What is your favorite ride there? Do you like the loops?


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